Hey there! I am Dr. Ray Hinish and I cohost the Cut the Fat Podcast along with my good friend and fitness expert, Blythe Alberg.
Cut the Fat was started in 2009 out of a shared passion for fitness and fat loss. Together, we are constantly studying and applying the latest science as we work towards helping you discover YOUR individualized “Formula for Fat Loss”.
In this blog and podcast, you’ll discover tons of, what we call, “golden nuggets”, which make up the ingredients that you must combine together to form your own formula for fat loss. That’s right, we provide the ingredients but YOU must develop the formula! If we’ve discovered one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt in the thousands of hours that we have dedicated to the study of fitness and fat loss, it’s this…
There is no single formula for fat loss.
Nope, as sad as it may sound, there are literally thousands of formulas…if not millions of formulas, and the only way to find yours is by conducting your own study of “1”…i.e. YOU!
Our goal is to provide you with the laboratory full of the ingredients and nudge you in the direction of the ingredients that are most likely to provide benefit. Then we want you to follow our proprietary formula called the CATAA formula, which will help you test and discover your own Fat Loss Formula!
We typically post new podcasts every 2-3 weeks and new blog posts three to four times a week. To make sure that you don’t miss my newest posts, you can subscribe via RSS or email. We are also accepting limited amounts of advertising sponsorship, however, I will point out that we only accept sponsors that provide products that we would use ourselves!
Our Top Posts
If you are new to my site, you might want to start with my most popular posts. Here are my top three categories:
The Fat Loss Diet
The Low Calorie Breakfast Trap
You Can’t Starve Away Your Fat Cells
Diet Soda and Weight Gain – Do Artificial Sweeteners Cause Weight Loss or Weight Gain?
The Fat Loss Exercise
Should I Exercise In the Morning?
Regular Exercise Does Cause Weight Loss…As Long As You…
Weight Loss Motivation:
With Weight Loss Motivation is the Enemy
Why Do I Always Eat the Cake?
You can also feel free to check my blog’s archive for a list of all of the posts that we have written or use the search box located in the header of every page.
Our Biography
Dr. Ray Hinish
I am the founder of Personal Training Rx, a private fitness studio and weight loss clinic located in Baltimore, Maryland. After graduating from the University of Maryand School of Pharmacy with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree, I continued my education and received certifications as a Personal Trainer and Lifestyle and Weight Management Consultant through the American Council on Exercise.
Immediately after graduation, I opened the Your Prescription for Health Wellness Center in Owings Mills, Maryland. As a reformed overweight child, I started with the cards stacked against me. At a young age, my life changed when a childhood crush rejected me because of my weight. In a nutshell, the incident that changed my life went like this…
It was 17 years ago when I first met Kelly Harrington. I was a young, chubby, nugget-headed little kid who had a crush on a girl two years my elder and way out of my league. As a love-struck child, I did everything I could to be in her company. One day, at a neighborhood Christmas party I somehow got ahold of Kelly’s shoe. Don’t ask me how I got it, but soon I found myself being chased throughout the house by the woman of my dreams. Being overweight, you can imagine that I wasn’t the swiftest creature on earth and quickly found myself cornered by the beautiful young girl. The next words that came from her mouth changed my life, she said, “You’re fat! Give me back my shoe!”
That night I walked home with tears in my eyes, closed my bedroom door and wept bitterly for what seemed to be hours. Eventually, I caught my breath, wiped the tears from my eyes and saw something in the corner of my room that I had never noticed before…a little set of old weights. I picked up one of the weights and holding it in both arms curled it for what felt like 300 times. I did this every night when my parents thought I was sleeping until one morning I woke up with a little bubble on my arm, you guessed it, it was a muscle. From that moment I was hooked on fitness. I began to run, took up martial arts and read every book I could find on health and fitness.
My personal mission is to reach a body fat in the 10-12% range and in the process help as many people as I can reach their own weight loss goals! The information in this site is based on solid scientific evidence, which I am constantly evaluating and vetting. CuttheFatPodcast.com exists to find the truth about long-term fat loss and we, at CuttheFatPodcast.com, welcome all questions, challenges and comments!
Blythe AlbergI am a professional figure athlete and have competed (and won) in bodybuilding and bikini competitions. I began competing back in 1999 as an amateur figure competitor and enjoyed it so much that I opted to promote a bodybuilding/figure/fitness competition of my own. Although I haven’t competed in a few years, I still manage to upkeep a similar lifestyle that suits me well. I have managed to keep a healthy, lean and easily-managed healthy body even with “life getting in the way” at times. My passion is showing others how simple life change can be with a little guidance.
With over fifteen years of personal experience and a decade of experience coaching others as a trainer, nutritional coach and now working on my Life Coaching and Sports Nutrition certifications; I have gained a wealth of knowledge on getting rid of body fat efficiently and effectively within the confines of a busy and often stressful life. I have enjoyed great success in assisting hundreds of people prioritize their lives and set sights on a new type of life style with simple focus. With the offering of my one on one nutritional coaching and life coaching guidelines, we have succeeded at achieve their short-term and long-term weight loss goals.
There are many not-so-secret ‘secrets’ I’m able to share with others. I have worked with a great variety of people from stay at home moms to top fitness athletes who need to get their body fat down to single digits!
It is not uncommon for men and women to reach peak fitness and health in their 20′s, 30′s, 40’s AND beyond… why not start today? Everyone can get better as the years go on!
Dr. Ray and I met several years back and I’m so fortunate to be able to work with such a bright man. We share similar thoughts on fat loss but what he brings to the table is without comparison some of the most relevant, scientific information to date!
Keep us posted on your progress as we love to help monitor progress of all of our members!
Our Contact Information
You can contact us at info@blog.cutthefatpodcast.com. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.