If you are reading this article, I hope you’ve come across some of the information that Dr. Ray and I have provided you with stating just how important resistance training is and that increasing your muscle mass (sometimes referred to as lean tissue) is the quickest way to bump up the speed of your metabolism. As you gain muscle, your metabolism speeds up. In turn, you’re able to eat more food!
There are a few old school myths I’d like to address and set the bar straight TODAY that have to do with muscle growth and fat loss.
According to a study done by the University of Michigan, many of us given the chance to choose our own weights to use during a workout are choosing way too low to even begin to stimulate muscle growth! This research was done on both men and women, both failing to even come close to choosing a weight that would promote BUILDING muscle. In my opinion, if you are going to hit the gym and make the effort to get there and actually workout, you ought to make it worth your while. Challenge yourself and estimate a little heavier… TODAY! I was actually disappointed when I read the write up on this study… I didn’t think so many of us out there under estimate ourselves. We are strong, we are healthy! Positive reinforcement must start within you!
Myth #1
If I lift heavy weights, I’ll get BIG, BULGING muscles. Maybe you fall into the category of those with the fear of getting bulky. This pertains mostly to women and it’s a false statement. There’s that tired old myth running around that men should lift heavy weights and women should lift light weights to avoid getting big and bulky. Women hear me! Lifting heavy weights will NOT make you huge-you simply don’t have the testosterone levels to build big muscles. Lifting heavy weights WILL help you lose body fat by speeding up your metabolism! One comparison that many of you won’t believe until you see it with your own eyes is that most of those NATURAL bodybuilders you see on stage (both men and women) look huge, when in fact, they aren’t! They are tiny people. The average weight of female bodybuilders is about 110 lbs, and men average about 150-170lbs. The illusion of looking BIG AND MUSCULAR comes from the extreme degree of leanness they achieve. Size and comparison to ‘normal’ bodies totally falls out of the equation.
So, my answer to getting big and bulky is you lift heavy is this: The only way you could pack on the pounds (and it would be FAT, not muscle) is if you don’t watch what you eat and start a resistance training program. Once again, diet is 80% of the equation to a lean body.
Myth #2
To add muscle to my frame, I must get fat too. Getting fat and packing on pounds or having an ‘off season’ to bulk up is not the most efficient way to add muscle. You will get larger in size and heavier for sure, but most of that is going to be fat. Again, the formula to a LEAN and TONED (or even a more muscular looking body) is diet. Your nutrition will have to consist of more calories if you plan on adding muscle. Fat never turns to muscle nor does muscle turn to fat! One can replace the other with proper nutrition. The first question I usually ask men when they ask my opinion of a bulking diet is do you want to get fat? If so, eat an excess of calories, fat, protein, carbs… it doesn’t matter. Heck, go spend some of your hard earned money on a supplement that is full of fat and contains 600 calories per scoop! Even better… why not make McDonalds your new breakfast/lunch and dinner stop! If this doesn’t sound right to you… there’s a reason why. Dr. Ray and I always advise people we meet to become an expert. In this instance, it’s going to be important to supply your body with a nutritional program that supplies your body with just enough calories to repair and build muscle while still paying attention to your macro-nutrient profile so you don’t load on the fat layers!
Some questions may arise while reading this article. I encourage everyone with questions to post up under our fat cutter club forum. More than likely, if you’re wondering… so is someone else!
If you are one of the rare types of people who have been eating extremely well for years and you’re just looking to incorporate exercise into your program. You may be wondering where to start.
There are so many types of ‘workouts’ to choose from. Cardiovascular training, resistance training, pump training, power training, low intensity, high intensity and then there are many movement and stretching workouts such as yoga, pilates, etc. My advice to anyone starting out is to mix it up. Choose things you might like to try and things that you know work for your body. Whatever you choose, do it and do it WELL! Give it your 110% effort and don’t underestimate yourself!
Make today the day you turn up your workouts!